2015 - ongoing

Tout Terrain

In order to describe our partnership with Tout Terrain, we have to go back in time a bit. In 2015, Kilian and his friend Roman cycled through Central Asia, exploring some of the most remote corners of the Pamir mountain range.

A few years later both got a sponsorship by Tout Terrain for their quest to cycle and raft through the Verkhoyansk range in Yakutia. A stretch of land in the far east of Russia.

Since then, we are responsible for Tout Terrains visual appearance. Together we have worked on their various product releases, image campaigns, joint ventures with companies like Ortlieb, trade convention speeches and much more.

During all that time we always knew what to focus on: enjoying great bikes for great adventures.

Good bikes need good photography to show ability, features and type of use. Together with Tout Terrain we developed a simple, yet effective visual language that shows each bike in its natural habitat. What makes bike photos more realistic than using them under harsh conditions...
Video Database
We decided to set up a database full of video footage from various sponsored riders and commissioned work to edit simple and effective video clips. Commissioned work contains product videos, website headers and many others.
Go Cyclists, go!

Being the change

As Grönländer we have decided to contribute our part to the change. Global problems have become more complex and solutions more difficult. That’s why we like to work for companies that are part of the answer – in this case: making people cycle. And at the same time we aim to keep our carbon, rubbish and bullshit footprint as low as possible.

into the wild

Expedition Perfect

Were the bikes go, our photo- and videoequipment follows: We took on multiple, month-long challenges to create authentic content for Tout Terrain. From racing gravel bikes through Morocco, along the Wild Atlantic Way or pushing heavy loads far off the grid in Siberia. We have travelled through some of the remotest places in Central Asia on these bikes and formed multiple partnerships with various brands during these trips.

Taking photos and creating films under such conditions is often a test of mind and equipment. These expeditions shape and prove our expertise and offer up the playground we love: the great outdoors.

Product placements

Brand Networking

Networking is key when small high-quality bike manufacturers have to compete against large global companies . That’s why we teamed up with other befriended brands like Ortlieb to collaborate on shootings, shared budgets and joint ventures. Our own expertise and network on whatever touring, racing, gravelling, mountain biking comes in quite handy. Eventually, cycling is often more fun in a team!

Kilian and his team stand out as exceptionally skilled filmmakers and photographers. With excellent problem-solving skills and technical creativity, they have always been able to turn our visions into reality.
Damian Bradley - ToutTerrain Marketing Manager